Publications (Google Scholar)


Deep Graph Anomaly Detection: A Survey and New Perspectives (2024)  [PDF] [Code]
Hezhe Qiao, Hanghang Tong, Bo An, Irwin King, Charu Aggarwal, Guansong Pang

Temporal Gaussian Copula For Clinical Multivariate Time Series Data Interpolation (2024)  [PDF] [Code]
Ye Su, Hezhe Qiao, Di Wu, Yuwen Chen, Lin Chen

Generative Semi-supervised Graph Anomaly Detection (2024)  [PDF] [Code]
Hezhe Qiao, Qingsong Wen, Xiaoli Li, Ee-Peng Lim, Guansong Pang



Temporal-contextual Event Learning for Pedestrian Crossing Intent Prediction (2024)  [PDF] [Code]
Hongbin Liang*, Hezhe Qiao*, Wei Huang, Qizhou Wang, Mingsheng Shang, Lin Chen

ECML PKDD'24          

Self-supervised Temporal and Spatial Normality Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection [PDF] [Code]
Yutong Chen* , Hongzuo Xu* , Guansong Pang, Hezhe Qiao, Yuan Zhou, Mingsheng Shang


DITMoS:Delving into Diverse Tiny-Model Selection on Microcontrollers [PDF] [Code]
Xiao Ma , Shengfeng He, Hezhe Qiao, Dong Ma


Truncated Affinity Maximization: One-class Homophily Modeling for Graph Anomaly Detection [PDF] [Code]
Hezhe Qiao, Guansong Pang


Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Scores Prediction based on the Label Distribution Learning using Brain Structural MRI [PDF]
Hui Chen, Hezhe Qiao, Lin Chen, Fan Zhu


Aspect-aware Asymmetric Representation Learning Network for Review-based Recommendation   [PDF]
Hao Liu, Hezhe Qiao, Xuxiao Shi, Mingsheng Shang


A fusion of multi-view 2D and 3D convolution neural network based MRI for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis   [PDF] [Code]
Hezhe Qiao, Lin Chen, Fan Zhu


Improving pedestrian attribute recognition with multi-scale spatial calibration   [PDF]
Jiabao Zhong, Hezhe Qiao, Lin Chen, Mingsheng Shang, Qun Liu



Deep Learning for Hate Speech Detection: A Comparative Study (2023)  [PDF] [Code]
Hezhe Qiao*, Jitendra Singh Malik*, Guansong Pang, Anton van den Hengel


Evaluation of crowdsourced mortality prediction models as a framework for assessing artificial intelligence in medicine (2023)  [PDF] [Code]
Timothy Bergquist, Thomas Schaffter, Yao Yan, Thomas Yu et. al


Ranking convolutional neural network for Alzheimer’s disease mini-mental state examination prediction at multiple time-points (2022)  [PDF] [Code]
Hezhe Qiao, Lin Chen, Fan Zhu

Frontiers in

Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis With Brain Structural MRI Using Multiview-Slice Attention and 3D Convolution Neural Network (2022)  [PDF]
Lin Chen, Hezhe Qiao, Fan Zhu


Early Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis with the contrastive loss using paired structural MRIs (2021)  [PDF] [Code]
Hezhe Qiao, Lin Chen, Zi Ye, Fan Zhu

Workshops, Posters, and Abstracts

Thesis and Patent


Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Deep Learning (2022)  [PDF]
Hezhe Qiao


Early Warning System for Debris Flow (2021) [PDF]
Shaojie Zhang, Kaiheng Hu, Hezhe Qiao